Employment Equity Legislation
Employment Equity compliance is complex. Getting it right takes long-term planning and goal setting. It calls for reporting on employee representation, demographics and remuneration. It also requires operational EE committees, training and numerous policies and procedures that need to be put in place, not to mention the severe penalties for non-compliance. With the imminent amendments, the legal landscape is changing, and companies need to adapt. There are many questions that companies must now be ready to answer: some you’ve already thought of, and some you probably haven’t.
From Current to Compliant
You know your business, and you know what it needs from the point of view of growth. But you probably don’t know Employment Equity compliance quite as well. After all, the process of reaching compliance can be a gruelling, admin intensive journey that most companies simply cannot manage on their own. But it’s also a process with extremely high stakes: the penalties for failing to comply are severe. For many, the solution is to outsource it all and hope for the best. But what if there were a better way? A solution that kept businesses at the centre of their own transformation narrative, while taking away the legwork and the risk?
Employment Equity Compliance, made simple
As you can probably tell by now, we’re passionate about people and transformation. But we also believe in using the power of technology to automate, declutter and clarify the process of achieving compliance for our clients. How? By upgrading you from spreadsheets and manual data management to a transparent, integrated digital platform with critical compliance functionalities.
If you would like to find out more about EE123 and their service offering, please contact john@globalbusiness.co.za
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